Poskusna vadnica Žige Vučka

Vadnico je kot magistrsko nalogo pripravil Žiga Vučko ; somentorja: doc. dr. Matija Marolt (FRI) in doc. dr. Peter Šavli (KGBL, AG).  Gre za pripomoček, umerjen za dijake prof. Petra Šavlija na Konservatoriju za glasbo v Ljubljani in je v fazi razvijanja. Čeprav ne gre za dokončen izdelek, bomo zelo veseli vseh pripomb in komentarjev. Pošljite jih prosim na naslov leon.stefanija@ff.uni-lj.si.
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Neposreden dostop do strežnika z aplikacijo:  http://trubadur.si

Predavanji dr. Daniele Castaldo in dr. Zdravka Blažekovića 28. 11. 2018

Vabljeni na gostujoči predavanji v predavalnici Oddelka za muzikologijo FF UL (535B) v sredo, 28. 11. 2018
Ob 18.00 dr. Daniela Castaldo (Università del Salento): MUSIC ARCHAEOLOGY: AN INTRODUCTION

  1. Fields and methods of research.
  2. Which sources are available and what kind of information we can get from them.
  3. The Slovenian archaeological findings dealing with music.
  4. A focus on the ancient percussion instruments and their symbolic value
  5. A case study: “Stick dances in Ancient Rome”

ob 19.30 dr. Zdravko Blažeković (RILM International Center, The Graduate Center – City University of New York): HOW TO WRITE ABOUT MUSIC TODAY?
Prominent scholar, the director of the Research Center for Music Iconography at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (since 1989), who, in 1989,  started editing RIdIM/RCMI Newsletter which he transformed in 1998 into the journal for music iconography Music in Art one of the most experienced musicologists inRépertoire International de Littérature Musicale – The World’s Writings on A World of Music will address the question that every generation faces anew: How to write about music today?