Glasba mladih po 1945 in Jeunesse musicale
Oddelek za muzikologijo Filozofske fakultete, Akademija za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Fakulteta za družbene vede in Glasbenonarodopisni inštitut – ZRC SAZU vabimo na dvodnevni mednarodni simpozij
- in 11. oktobra 2024
v prostore Akademije za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani na Kongresnem trgu 1
Glasba mladih po 1945 in Jeunesse musicale
Znanstveno srečanje bo namenjeno predstavitvi izsledkov in dopolnjevanju tematike projekta Glasba mladih po letu 1945 in Glasbena mladina Slovenije (
V ta namen vabimo raziskovalce, da predstavijo svoje študije iz naslednjih tematskih sklopov oziroma iz sorodnih področij:
- Jeunesse musicale nekoč in danes
- Glasbene prakse »baby boom« in naslednjih generacij
- Glasbeno izobraževanje mladih
- Koncepti otroške in mladinske glasbe
- Zgodovine otroške in mladinske glasbe v Sloveniji in Evropi
- Formalne in neformalnce zgodovine otroške in mladinske glasbe
- Osebne glasbene izkušnje z glasbo iz mladosti (samo posterji, ki bodo objavljeni na spletni strani projekta)
Jezika simpozija: slovenščina in angleščina
Glavna govornika:
Ivana Vesić iz Muzikološkega inštituta Srbske akademije znanosti in umetnosti: Escaping the darkness of subalternity: Musical Youth of Yugoslavia (1954-1991) and the socialist cultural reforms
Rajko Muršič iz Oddelka za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani:
Music, Youth and Musical Youth in Slovenia during Socialism and After.
Podrobnosti o programu bodo dostopne na:
Povzetke (največ 2000 znakov brez presledkov) pošljite na do 10. Junija 2024. Predloge bo obravnaval Programski odbor srečanja in obvestil predlagatelje do 25. junija 2024.
Organizacijski odbor
prof. dr. Leon Stefanija, prof. dr. Karolina Šantl, dr. Vesna Venišnik Peternelj, Jakob Spindler |
Programski odbor
prof. dr. Leon Stefanija, prof. dr. Darja Koter, izr. prof. dr. Darja Rotar Pance, doc. dr. Aleš Nagode, prof. dr. Matija Marolt, dr. Urša Šivic, prof. dr. Lada Duraković, star. razisk. svet. dr. Ivana Vesić, doc. dr. Vedrana Marković, prof. dr. Julijana Žabeva Papazova, prof. ddr. Boštjan Udovič, doc. dr. Valida Akšamija |
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Youth music after 1945 and Jeunesse musicale
Department of Musicology (Faculty of Arts) and Academy of Music University of Ljubljana together with
Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics, The Faculty of Social Sciences and the Institute of Music and Folklore - ZRC SAZU are inviting to the international symposium
Youth music after 1945 and Jeunesse musicale
When: October 10 and 11, 2024
Where: University of Ljubljana, Academy of Music (Kongresni trg 1)
The scientific meeting will be aimed at presenting the findings and supplementing the topic of the Youth Music after 1945 and the Musical Youth of Slovenia project ( ).
For this purpose, we invite researchers to present their studies from the following thematic groups or from related fields:
- Jeunesse musicale then and now
- Musical practices of the "baby boom" generation and after
- Musical education of children and young people
- Concepts of children's and youth music
- History of children's and youth music in Slovenia and Europe
- Formal and informal history of children's and youth music
- Personal musical experiences with music from my youth (only posters that will be published on the project website)
Languages: Slovene, English
Keynote speakers:
Ivana Vesić (Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts): Escaping the darkness of subalternity: Musical Youth of Yugoslavia (1954-1991) and the socialist cultural reforms
Rajko Muršič (Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana): Music, Youth and Musical Youth in Slovenia during Socialism and After.
Details about the program will be available at:
Send proposals (max 2000 characters without spaces) to by June 10, 2024. Proposals will be considered by the Program Committee of the meeting and will notify the proposers by June 25, 2024.
Organizing committee
prof. dr. Leon Stefanija, prof. dr. Karolina Šantl , prof. dr. Matija Marolt, dr. Vesna Venišnik Peternelj, Students AG UL, Jakob Spindler, Tea Gorič |
Program Committee
prof. dr. Leon Stefanija, doc. dr. Aleš Nagode, prof. dr. Darja Koter, izr. Prof. dr. Branka Rotar Pance, prof. dr. Matija Marolt , Ph.D. Urša Šivić , prof. dr. Lada Duraković , old. research. world. dr. Ivana Vesić , doc. dr. Vedrana Marković , prof. dr. Juliana Žabeva Papazova, prof. ddr . Boštjan Udovič, Assoc. dr. Valida Akšamija |
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