
Call for Papers: Symposium Romani Musicians between the State, Market, and Society

Ljubljana, Slovenia, 21–23 August 2025

The Slovenian research group Romani Musicians in Slovenia from the Department of Musicology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, is organizing an international and interdisciplinary symposium titled Romani Musicians between the State, Market, and Society.

We invite submissions of paper and panel proposals focusing on Romani musicians regardless of regions, time periods, genres, styles, scholarly disciplines and their theoretical and methodological specifics. The key terms from the title of the symposium are elaborated as follows: 

1) State: How state’s social and cultural policies affect Romani musicians and their performance, style, social status, and self-representation

2) Market: Romani musicians in the marketplace

3) Society: Social and musical interactions between Romani musicians and non-Romani dominated societies.

Deadline for submission of the proposals is 30 January 2025

Symposium’s program committee will send out notifications of acceptance by the end of February 2025. Deadline for the participants’ confirmations of attendance is 31 March 2025. 

Proposals for paper presentations should include an abstract (250 words) and a bio (150 words). Proposals for pre-organized panels should include abstracts of individual presentations (250 words each), the bios (150 words each), and a general panel abstract (200 words). 

The symposium committee plans to publish the contributions in a peer-reviewed monograph publication by the end of the year 2025. Those symposium participants who wish to be included, need to (a) indicate the wish in the application and (b) send us the final texts by 15 June 2025.

Applications should be submitted to 

Registration fee, to be paid on site at a registration desk, is 50 euro.

Please note that the symposium will be held as a part of the street festival Nights in Old Ljubljana Town organized by our partner Imago Sloveniae. Musical performances on several open-air stages will directly correspond to the theme of the symposium. 

Symposium website: